Fresh Release

This Little Child (Cover) – Sandra Karo | @sandydistinct

Upcoming Nigerian Gospel Artiste Sandra Karo releases a Christmas cover titled ”This Little Child”. 

”This song is not the everyday kinda christmas jingle. Infact, not a lot of persons has heard this song but i connect with this song because it goes beyond just singing a song and not relating to it which is what most people do at christmas. Some of us have become so use to christmas, we no longer know the essence of it. I first heard this song 2007 thereabout and i never stopped thinking about the song. It reminds me that yes, Christ was born.. Why? It goes beyond his birth, he died and rose again and he’s coming back. I don’t want to ever separate all these cos you know that’s a hope for me, I truely believe. I’m re_telling a story of love and hope. Just maybe someone out there will remember the things that our soon coming king said”

– Sandra Karo

The song was written by Scott Wesley Brown and its a song to reckon with.

Prod. By mynorkord


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Verse 1

Who would of tho’t that long ago

So very far away

A little child would be born

And in a manger laid

And who would have tho’t this little child

Was born the King of kings

The Son of just a carpenter

For whom the angels sing

And who would have tho’t that as He grew

And with other children played

This child with whom they laughed and sang

Would die for them some day

And who would have tho’t this little child

Could make a blind man see

Feed the hungry make rich the poor

And set the sinner free

Oh who would have tho’t this little child

Was who the prophets said

Would take away the sins of man

And rise up from the dead

Chorus 1

O I believe and I will always sing

This little child is the King

O I believe and I will always sing

This little child

He is the King of kings

Verse 2

Many years have come and gone

Yet this world remains the same

Empires have been built and fallen

Only time has made a change

Nation against nation

Brother against brother

Men so filled with hatred

Killing one another

And over half the world is starving

While our banner of decency is torn

Debating over disarmament

Killing children before they’re born

And fools who march to win the right

To justify their sin

Oh ev’ry nation that has fallen

Has fallen from within

Yet in the midst of this darkness

There is a hope a light that burns

This little child the King of kings

Some day will return

Verse 3

Who would have tho’t this little child

Is who the prophets said

Will return to judge this world

The living and the dead

Oh can’t you see that long ago

So very far away

This little child our only hope

Was born a King that day


Twitter: @sandydistinct


Instagram: sandra.karo |

Youtube: Sandra Karo

Sandra Karo |\u8-1d.\u00a00\u8-1dag">S releases a Christmas cover titled ”This Little Child”. 

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Sandra Karo |\u8-1d.\u00a0\r\n\r\n\u8-1dag">S releases a Christmas cover titled ”This Little Child”. 

”This song is not the everyday kinda christmas jingle. Infact, not a lot of persons has heard this song but i connect with this song because it goes beyond just singing a song and not relating to it which is what most people do at christmas. Some of us have beco\u00a0 so \u00a0e to christmas, we no longer know the essence of it. I first heard this song 2007 thereabout and i never stopped thinking about the song. It reminds me that'hrist was born.. Why'es beyond his birth, he died and rose again and he&'s\u00a0 separate all;, I truely believe. I’m re_telling a story of love and hope. \"\r\n\r\nref="/tag/thi\r\n\r\ne="color: #000000;">– Sandra Karo


Verse \r\n\r\n;">Oh can’\r\n\r\ntyle="color: #000000;">So ve\r\n\r\nt#000000;">A little \r\n\r\nt#00r: #000000;">And s'0000;">Verse 3Was born the K\r\n\r\n: #000000;">The Son of j\r\n\r\nt#00r: #000000;">And s'0000s sing\r\n\r\nt#00rd have tho’t that a\r\n\r\ne=0000;">And with other children playedAnd s'0000;">Verse 3Could make a blind ma\r\n\r\nt#00>Feed the hungry ma\r\n\r\nolor: #000000;">And s'0000;">Verse 3Was who the proph\r\n\r\nt#000;">Would take away t\r\n\r\noow.adsb\r\n\r\no000000;">This little child is the\r\n\r\ne=000O I believe and I will a\r\n\r\no000000;">This little child is the\r\n\r\ne=000O I believe \r\n\r\nyle="color: #000000;">T\r\n\r\n

Many years have come \r\n\r\n00000;">Yet this world remains the\r\n\r\no0;">Empires have been buil\r\n\r\n: #000000;">Only time\r\n\r\n"color: #000000;">Natio\r\n\r\nplor: #000000;">Brother a\r\n\r\nor: #000000;">Men s\r\n\r\nt#00olor: #000000;">Killing one ano\r\n\r\np>">And over half the world is star\r\n\r\n0;">While our banner of d\r\n\r\nor: #000000;">Debating over 'r>So ve\r\n\r\nt#00 children before they’re b\r\n\r\ne">And fools who mar\r\n\r\noloev'0000;">To justify their s\r\n\r\ny>Oh ev’ry natio\r\n\r\n#000r: #000000;">Has fallen from \r\n\r\ne=";">Yet in the midst of this dar\r\n\r\ne=000O I believe aolor: #000000;">T\r\n\r\n0;">This little chil\r\n\r\n

And s'0000;">Verse 3Is who the proph\r\n\r\ne="c0;">Will return to \r\n\r\nolocay'es>The living and the d\r\n\r\n;">Oh can’\r\n\r\ntyle="color: #000000;">So very \r\n\r\npuld havehis little chil\r\n\r\n seon() {lass="meta-ilietsttp://sandra:\/scc-taxonoCAAqBwgKMIG6mwswxcSzAw?ceid=NG:en&oc=3span clasG237402Next">0000;">Instagram:

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