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NAWIRAS KAIROS 2021 With Steve Crown and Pastor Jerry Eze, Celestine Donkor, Tope Alabi @stevecrownmusic
Steve Crown NAWIRAS KAIROS 2021

The annual concert of our award-winning gospel artist Steve crown is here again with the theme NAWIRAS KAIROS 2021
are you ready to Experience the remarkable hand of God in this year concert as nations are going to rise and sing holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty? Our award-winning Steve crown is hosting this year NAWIRAS KAIROS concert on the 31 st October 2021 at the international conference center Abuja accompanied by a lot of talented award-winning gospel artists like TOPE ALABI, Pastor ELIJAH OYEDELE, minister too faithful MOSES BLISS, SOLOMON LANGE, MKHULULI BHE BHE all the way from South Africa, CELESTINE DONKU from Ghana and Pastor JERRY EZE will also be there live. Come and experience the awesomeness of God through his servant minister Steve Crown!!
Come with your loved ones, your relatives, and friends!! Come and be blessed!!
Minister Steve crown was inspired by the revelation he had from God a few years ago saying he wants to raise a mighty army not just from Nigeria but from around the
world according to the book of the prophet Ezekiel 37: 1-10, so ever since then, he has been encouraged given that the lord has chosen him as one of the Generals he will use to raise a mighty army from different nations around the world. So this year’s concert is an avenue God will use to bring his word to pass by making
NATIONS TO RISE. You don’t want to miss this! You might be among the armies God is looking to raise,
and there is only one way to find out and that is for you to be there live.
NAWIRAS KAIROS 2021 With Steve Crown