Download Music + Lyrics: Pastor Paul Enenche – I Want To Live Where You Are

Verse 1
I want to live lord in the world of your Glory
I want to live lord in the place where you are
To stay away from the pressures & cares of this life.
To stay away Lord from the ways of the world.(2*)
I want to live oh Lord just right where you are.
I want to stay oh Lord in your resting place
Lead me away from things that keep me from you
Separate me from the things Lord that hinders me. (3*)
Verse 2
Oh Lord my heart is longing for your precious presence
To receive Lord the light of your countenance
So I can escape the darkness that covers the Earth
So I can escape Lord the path of error (2*)
I want to live oh Lord just right where you are.
I want to stay oh Lord in your resting place
Lead me away from things that keep me from you
Separate me from the things Lord that hinders me. (2*)
Verse 3
Oh Lord I have stayed long enough in the courts of men
No more to hang with
Those who add no value
So I can become everything I was meant to be
So you can have me to your self how you want.
I want to live oh Lord just right where you are.
I want to stay oh Lord in your resting place
Lead me away from things that keep me from you
Separate me from the things Lord that hinders me.
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